We offer comprehensive solutions and expert guidance to help you streamline and automate your HR processes for greater efficiency and success.
With over 30 innovative tools and solutions, we cover all aspects of HR, from employee attraction and recruitment to onboarding, learning management, talent development, performance management, and more. Our customizable "core HR" platforms provide a solid foundation for your HR operations.
But we don't stop at technology. We believe in building a thriving HR community. That's why we organize exclusive events for HR professionals in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Stay updated, gain insights, and connect with industry experts.
Let's talk digital HR ... Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia Latvia | Nauris Vītols | nauris@smarthr.lv Ģertrūdes 33/35, 604.k., Riga, Latvia Lithuania | Vytaute Karpyte | vytaute@smarthrpartners.lt Vienuolio g. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania Estonia | Juris Zalans | juris@smarthr.lv |