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SmartHR semināri
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10.10.2019. | RigaComm 2019 | SmartHR Conference
Avoid expensive recruitment errors | Lumina Learning | Video
Gita Meldere, Human Potential & Leadership Behaviour & Teaming Partner, Lumina Learning.
CITI Video no 10.10.2019. | RIGACOMM 2019 | SMARTHR CONFERENCE
Wednesday, April 8
What's your next step in transformation journey to and beyond the cloud | Zalaris ASA | Video
Sven Hultin, Group Advisory, Engagement & Storytelling, Zalaris ASA
Wednesday, April 8
Programming is not a rocket science | Software Development Academy | Video
Jonas Bacinskas | Regional Manager | Software Development Academy
Wednesday, April 8
How to technology's of HR make life easier | Visma | Video
How can technology make HR work easier? How can technology help you find the right employees and discover their talents? How to use less paper? You will find out all of this and more during my speech.
Wednesday, April 8
Digital HR implementation project road map | Squalio | Video
Liesma Rijniece is sharing insights on digital transformation process road-map's best practices.
Wednesday, April 8
How to achieve paperless HR? | Sympa | Video
How e-signature, API and digital workflows can help you to achieve paperless HR, so that your organisation can focus on what's most important – the people.